Saturday, November 19, 2011
No strings attached
South Africa

Monday, November 7, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Time to move
Just feel so restless. I feel like im constantly searching for something. But what? A person? A new purpose? I dont know what it is, I just know I havent found it yet.
Lets hope i find it soon.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Why I will never leave you
If I’d pass away, you’d still talk to me before you go to sleep. You’d still tell me all about your day, your job, how there was this moment just after waking when you noticed the bed was colder. You’d probably ask me “and how are you?” and fall asleep shortly after, accustomed to the silence that follows.
On your way to work the radio would play the songs that remind you of me, because they all do. When you’d cross the bridge, images would start to pop up in your head. The two of us swimming naked in the river, our bodies tanned and sweaty. Strawberry ice cream in my hair, my fingers sweet against your lips. My long hair spread out in the grass, your dog peaceful at my feet, your hand pressed against my cheek. None of these are things we’ve necessarily ever done, but the pictures are so pretty in your head.
You don’t need me for that.
If I’m not here – what would you miss me for? Don’t miss being able to talk to me, because you still can. You’ve known me for so long, you already know what I’m going to say anyway. You wouldn’t miss me surprising you, because I never do. There’d be no void where my voice used to be. The silence after I’ve fallen asleep would be even more silent and with your eyes closed you can fantasize that I’m there next to you. You could make me as pretty as you like, finally getting rid of the mole on my right breast you find so distracting.
It would take some getting used to making breakfast just for one, but let’s be honest: that’s not something you’d actually miss, right? It’d give you time to go for a quick run, kick start your day, do something useful. Something you can tell me about later when you imagine me leaning against you, praising you for your hard work. When I’m no longer here, you could still have me and secretly add all the qualities you always wished I had.
When I’m gone, nothing would really change except maybe for the better. You’d cry, for the changes they’d ask you to make are something you’re not ready for. You’d cry for seeing yourself so miserable, for thinking you’d lost the love of your life. Don’t. Don’t cry, don’t change. Don’t tell a soul I’m gone. Keep me with you and make me better than I ever was, take all you never could from me. You wouldn’t have to miss a thing at all; what you loved in me could now never be taken from you. You’d never have to miss me.
But I’d sure miss to be touched- Amazing. Here is the link on Thought Catalog
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Unfamiliar ceiling
Below: Liver Building

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Ost tifft West, East meets West

Sense of self

Relationships - Yep can see the whole Guanxi 关系 concept.

Queing- People cannot queue at all in China! Prob one the main things i missed about England.

Status of Leader

Confronting a problem

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Buttons for eyes - Coraline
Thursday, June 9, 2011
G.V.G.V. - Autumn/Winter 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Wii U
Wow its beautiful!! Taking gaming to a whole new level. This is what i love about nintendo and this is why i will always be a die hard nintendo fan. Haha, better start saving now J... :)
J x
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Bookcase- long form library

This giant bookcase is sold by etsy user ifsodoso and its a-mazing!! Just imagine being curled up on that seat, engrossed in a new book. I admit, i was a bit of a book geek when i was younger, use to LOVE reading. I use to keep a record of all the books i read (haha i know im sad =.=) and when i finished high school i totaled about 600 books? But now i cant even managed one book a month. Sad times indeed. Me and the boy, whos in china, are trying to do this thing where we read a book more or less at the same time. Gave me motivation to read again and its nice knowing that someone on the other side of the world is enjoying the same book as you :)
J x
Monday, June 6, 2011
Gary Pepper Vintage - Peter Pan Collared Jumpers

Saturday, June 4, 2011
Polaroid sun 600 and Mamiya/Sekor 500 DTL

The Polaroid camera is just like how i remember it was. We use to get it out during special occasions and snap and shake away. Good times. Then it disappeared, probably got lost in the big move, i missed it. But the main problem is film! Good one polaroid for not producing them anymore ¬__¬ Thankfully, The Impossible Project are producing coloured and black/white film saving the good old polaroid camera. Costs are pretty steep tho, at about £20 for 8 photographs... wow. But, my Birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks, hint hint hint!
The Mamiya/Sekor? Man, I have never seen this camera before! My dad said he bought it when he just moved to the UK so bought in the 70's/80's? wow. Love the feel of this camera, and all its buttons and dials, but really heavy. Dont know if it still works, need to buy some film!

J x
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friendship - 友情

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
DIY Peter Pan Collar

Got my sewing machine out and loosely followed this tutorial by Transient Expression.

Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Spice Girls
我上周末去了辣妹合唱团的展览会在利兹博物馆。好搞笑!我觉得每个人小的时候都是辣妹合唱团fans,连我是!! 我去了两次,第一次跟我表哥,第二次跟我弟弟,妹妹和她的朋友们。

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Circle Scarf
Really simple to make. Basically knit a normal scarf and cast off. Use the ends of the wool to attach the two sides together and voila! This tutorial helped me out